De De De THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL, MEMPHIS, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 8, 1938 10 RIDGELY GIRL REIGNS OVER JERSEY EXHIBIT Edith Summar Chosen As Queen of Yorkville Show KINGSPORT ENTRIES SCORE Rotherford Farms Captures Prizes With Senior, Junior Champion Bulls At First Day of Two-Day Event Special to The Commercial Appeal YORKVILLE, Sept. Miss Edith Summar, brunet of Ridgely, was chosen Queen of the Tennessee Jersey Production Show here tonight to climax the first day's activities of the annual twoday event. She won over seven other beauties in the revue. Judges were John Gerber of Memphis, E. A.
Powell of Memphis and W. R. Cooke of Athens. Thousands Attend The show today was attended by uh thousands. Rotherford Farms of Kingsport captured two first prizes.
Boutilliers Noble Prince was selected as senior champion bull. Owner is John B. Dennis. Junior champion bull was Calenonian, owned by the Rotherford Farms. Junior champion female was Enas Design Irish Rose, owned by Ridgeway Farms of Athens.
Paul Sparrow of Rossville, who owns Jersey farms near Chattanooga, official judge of this ninth Tennessee Production Show, placed the winners. Winners Announced The winners are as follows: Class 1 Lot 2- Bulls, one year and under 18 months: First. Design Royal Roseboy, 387276. exhibited by Robert Jordan, Franklin: second. Enas Spotted Boy.
392444. Ridgeway Farms; third. Wexfords Spotted Volunteer, 384233, Duntreath Farms, Forest Hill, Memphis; fourth, Dauphins De Boutilliere. 390330: fifth. Enas Double Design.
392443, Ridgeway Farms, Athens. Class 1. Lot 3- Bulls. 18 months. under 1 years: First.
Caledoniam. 383850. Rotherford Farms, later declared junior champion: second. Design Admiral, 383201. Robert Jordan.
Franklin; third, Design Larysman, 382933. F. K. Waters, Greenwood. Class 1.
Lot 4 Bulls, two years and under 3: First. Celenias Ena Design, 380080, Ridgeway Farms, Athens: second. Design Forward. 281088. W.
F. Jones, Yorkville. Class Lot 5 -Subdivided into 3-vearolds and And over. Boutillieres Nobile Price, 365302. Rotherford Farms, Kingsport.
also declared senior champion bull: second. Bulls Eve Sybils Target, 362239, L. C. Williams, Nolensville. Four -year-old bulls and overt First, Agnes Gladstone Volunteer.
339394. Duntreath Farms. Forest Hill; second. Fauvies Golden Design, 356118, Henry Waters, Greenwood: third. Oxford Geneva Design, 350056.
H. H. Wade and Sons, Trenton; fourth. Philadoras Brampton Boy, 350190. Laurence B.
Gardiner, Memphis. Class 2. Lot 6. Heifer calves, 4 months and under one year: First. Enas Design Irish Rose, 1186726.
W. R. Cooke. Ridgewav Farms. Athens.
later declared the junior champion female: second. Enas Pride of Ridgeway, 1186731, W. R. Cooks, Athens: third. Designs Majorie.
Rotherford Farm, Kingsport; fourth, Design Observing Lassie, 1184933. Henry Waters, Greenwood: fifth, Wexford Volunteer Girl, Duntreath Farms, Memphis 4-H exhibits in this class were: First, Design Standard Blonde. 1184478. Jane Jordan, Franklin: second. Wexford Volunteer Dora, Tommy Mullins, Forest Hill: third.
John Thomason Jr. Duntreath Farms, Nolensville, Class 2. Heifer calves, one vear. under 18 months: First. in open class And first class.
Wexford Dearest Girl, Freda Mullins, Forest Hill: second. open, Design Pretty Marie, 1185178, Henry Waters. Greenwood: third. Enas Design Pauline, 1186720. Ridgeway Farms? Athens: fourth.
Enas Design Bessie, 1186719, Ridgeway Farms. Second place, 4-H. Design Princess Ella. 1153426. Henry Waters.
Greenwood: third. Design Sybil Florence. 1187934. J. E.
Thomason. Nolensville. Class 2. Lot 8 Heifers. 18 months and under two vears: First.
Astor Golden Jill, 1130336. Ridgeway Farms, Athens: second, Bulls Eye Svhil Senoria, 1153758. L. C. Williams.
Nolensville: third. Enas Design Mattie Star. 1136527. Ridgeway Farms, Athens: fourth. Design Observer Bessie.
1186264. Henry Waters, Greenwood fifth, Design Little Sylvia, 1140032. Ophelia Jordan, Franklin. This heifer won first in 4-H class: second. 4-H.
Bowlina Design Sybil, 1152593. John Thomason Nolensville. BROWNSVILLE C. OF C. VOTES FARM AWARDS Will Give Prizes to Winners Of Plant To Prosper Special to The Commercial Appeal BROWNSVILLE, Sept.
7. -The Brownsville Chamber of Commerce last night voted to present special prizes to winners in the Haywood County Plant To Prosper Convention. The awards will be made at A joint meeting of the Chamber of Commerce and the Haywood County Farm Bureau in October. Distribution of the prizes had the approval of County Agent O. U.
McKnight and the home demonstration agent, Miss Reva and include first, second and third cash awards in both the land owner and tenant divisions. Cash prizes also will be awarded in the Negro Live at Home Program, a new feature of the campaign sponsored by The Commercial Appeal. Special awards also will be given to winners among community clubs in both the white and negro divisions. Funds are made available through contributions from the Chamber of Commerce, the two Brownsville banks and the Haywood County Farm Bureau, Osteopaths to Meet HUMBOLDT, Sept. 7.
The West Tennessee District Osteopathic Association will meet at Humboldt Saturday, Sept. 10, according to Dr. T. O. Lashlee of Humboldt.
Browning Goes Fishing NASHVILLE. Sept. 7. Governor Browning left today for A fishing trip to Norris Lake in East Tennessee. He is expected to return Saturday.
The Governor was accompanied by Mrs. Browning. HELP 15 MILES OF KIDNEY TUBES To Flush out Acids and Other Poisonous Waste Doctors say your kidneva contain 15 Miles of tiny or filters which belp to purify the binod and keep you healthy. Most people paRa about 3 pints a day or about 3 pounds of waste, Frequent or scanty passages with smarting and burning shows there niky be something wrong with your kidneys or bladder. An excess of acids or poisons in your blood, when due to functional kidney disorders, may he the beginning of nagging of backache, energy.
rheupains, leg pains, pep and swelling, puffiness under 5. and dirtiness Don't. Ark your druggist Don't Pille, need successfully by millione for over 40 They give happy relief and will help the 15 Stiles of kiriney tubes Rush out prisonove waste from your blood. Get Down a Pills. Store Executives, Employes Dine, Dance Executives and employes were present last night at Lowenstein's "get-together" party on the Peabody's roof.
Among officers of the store shown at the dinner table are (left to right) H. T. Bunn and Mrs. Bunn, Frank T. Comparato, Mrs.
Aaron Scharff and Mr. Scharff. Enjoying dancing between courses were Miss Helen Walker and her escort, Maurice Roach (left), and Mrs. H. S.
McLaur. ine, a buyer, and "Dr. Mac" McLaurine. Staff Photos by Caldwell LOWENSTEIN'S PARTY PROVES FUN FOR 1000 'Store Family' and Guests Have Evening of Gaiety Dinner and dancing, supplemented with plenty of entertainment, including skits by members of the "store family," marked Lowenstein's party last night on the Peabody Roof. More than 1000 were present, which included the entire personnel of the store and guests.
Those arranging the program were Jack Yarbrough, Howard Mayo, G. Spraley, Jim Masters and A. Cromwell. Featured on the entertainment program were Miss Ethel Taylor, star of the recent Open Air Theatre productions; Alice Crogan and Joan Foster, dancers; Miss Pauline Freeman, WMC singer, and Miss Helen McDowell, who has scored hits with her dancing in Chicago and New York night clubs. The party was termed A great success by Aaron Scharff, president, who with Mrs.
Scharff, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Bunn and Mr.
and Mrs. Frank T. Comparato, was among first to arrive. Dinner was set for 7:30 o'clock. Fifteen minutes prior to that time guests began to arrive and within a short while the Plantation Roof, gaily decorated, was crowded.
Guests danced between courses and following the entertainment program. GIBSON YOUTH FREED Was Serving Sentence For Loosening Switch NASHVILLE. Sept. 7. Ralph Nixon of Gibson County, serving a two to eight year sentence for loosening a railroad switch, WAS conditionally pardoned today by Governor Browning after a request for the youth's freedom was made yesterday by a delegation from his home county.
Nixon was convicted last December. The pardon papers said: "One of the strongest petitions have seen from some of the best people in Gibson County are asking for his release." The papers said the district attorney general also had recommended clemency for the youth in the belief he had been sufficiently punished, as no wreck oecurred. The Governor also granted A commutation of sentence to Robert OR Oakley two to of five-year Hardin sentence County, for serving voluntary manslaughter which made him immediately eligible for parole. The sentence was reduced to involuntary manslauchter, with A one to five-year sentence. ROAD BEING SURFACED Sharon-Greenfield Route Is Closed Until Oct.
15 DRESDEN. Sept. 7. Highway 45-E is closed to traffic between Sharon and Greenfield and traffic north and south is being routed via Dresden from Martin to Greenfield until the one-half mile stretch across the river bottom is surfaced. Concrete with asphalt coating is being used and the roadbed elevated some three feet.
During the flood of 1937 water covered this levee for a distance of a quarter of A mile and seriously damaged one of the larger bridges spanning the drainage canal. The road will not he opened to traffic until Oct. 15. Boy Sought Search for Jack Spear, 14-yearold son of Mrs. Edith Spear of 1191 Dorothy, was begun yesterday by police at the request of Mrs.
Spear. She reported that Jack left home while she Was visiting Saturday and Sunday in Chicago. Jack weighs about 115 pounds, is about five feet four inches has brown eyes and dark hair. Addresses A. HUMBOLDT, Sept.
7. Dr. W. K. Sullivan of Jackson was principal speaker At the initial meeting of the Fairview ParentTeacher Association which met in the auditorium of Fairview High School last night.
His subject was "Health and Safety in the Home." Superintendent C. A. Fesmere acted (15 chairman of the meeting. MAYORS WILL ATTEND SWEET POTATO FETE Overton, Hale and Davis To Head Memphis Delegation PROGRAM IS ANNOUNCED Horse Show, Midget Auto Races and Beauty Contest Will Be Among Features At Dresden Next Week Special to The Commercial Appeal DRESDEN, Tenn, Sept. 7.
-The Dresden Chamber of Commerce announced today that Mayor Watkins Overton, Commissioner E. W. Hale and Commissioner Cliff Davis of Memphis have accepted invitations to attend the West Tennessee Potato Festival here on Mayors' Day, Sept. 16. A new feature this year will be an hour of community singing, led by Circuit Court Clerk C.
E. Sandefer. This feature will be broadcast over a Memphis radio station. Entries Are Received Entries for the horse show are pouring in, according to the ringmaster, Lee Brasfield. To date there are 22 entries in the midget auto races, under supervision of Guy Smith.
Highway 22, west of town, will be the scene of the races. Towns in many West Tennessee areas have chosen beauties to participate in the "Miss Nancy Hall" will contest, be and many of by the towns decorated also, represented floats. A nationally known orchestra will play for the queen's ball on the final night of the three-day event. The Chamber of Commerce last night named a committee composed of many Dresden women who will officiate in various capacities. A special invitation has been extended E.
H. Crump of Memphis to be the city's guest on Mayors' Day. Firing Method Used Weakley County, originator of the Nancy Hall sweet potato, is proud of the festival feature each year. It was in this county, 30 years ago, that the late William Hawks devised a plan of curing sweet potatoes by the firing method. He constructed the first curing house in the United States, and after Chicago, many personal able visits to to place hotels his product upon the market." Now Weakley County is rated the second largest sweet potato producing county in the Union, producing annually 1.000.000 bushels of Nancy Halls, which find their way into every market in the Nation.
The yield varies from 75, to 200 bushels per acre. An off-shoot industry is that of sweet potato plants, which also go all over the United States. It is estimated that 100,000,000 Nancy Hall sweet potato plants were produced and shipped from Weakley County in the Spring of 1938. The festival was initiated by the Dresden Chamber of Commerce, of which Dr. M.
D. Ingram, county health officer, is president. OFFICE OATHS TAKEN BY CARROLL VICTORS Sheriff A. 0. Milam Appoints Four Deputies HUNTINGDON, Sept, 7.
New Carroll County officials were inducted here yesterday, with Judge Adrian Bramley and County Court Clerk J. W. Williams swearing them into office. Mr. Williams, long time clerk.
was administered the oath of office by Judge Bramley, Following his induction into office Mr. Willians administered the oath to Trustee F. E. Wright, County Supt. of Education R.
C. Austin and Register Miss Newton. Judge Bramley administered the oaths to Sheriff A. 0. Milam and Circuit Court Clerk Leslie E.
Johnson. Following the ceremonies Judge Bramley requested that Mr. Williams make the presentation of tokens of appreciation to outgoing county officials. Mr. Wiiliams, after wishing them the beat of luck then presented to Malcolm J.
MeLemore, the outgoing sherif end Jodie Browning, former register two brief cases. Miss Sammie Lou Browning, daughter of Mr. Browning, who has served as his ant during his term of office, WAS also the recipient of a gift. The tokens were given by the officeholders of the courthouse. The new sheriff appointed Hulon Scarbrough of McKenzie, Thurman Kee of Buena Vista, John Cawthor.
of Hollow Rock and Robert Poole of Bruceton, as deputies, JESSE ROSENBLOOM Dies Suddenly at His Home In Washington DYERSBURB, Sept. 7. Relatives were notified here this morning that Jesse Rosenbloom, member of a prominent family of West Tennessee merchants, died suddenly at his home this morning in Washington. Mr. Rosenbloom was for several years in the mercantile business at Newbern, coming to Dyersburg from there to establish a business which is now being operated by his brother and nephew.
For the past nine years he has made his home in Washington. He is survived by his wife; A son, Marvin Rosenbloom; a daughter, Doris Rosenbloom, four brothers, Sam Rosenbloom and Joe Rosenbloom of Jackson and Mose Rosenbloom and Tom Rosenbloom of Denver. Funeral arrangements have not been made. ROAD OPENING DELAYED Stretch Near Covington To Be Ready in Spring NASHVILLE, Sept. 7.
-It will be several months, probably late Spring, before the highway now under, opened construction to near traffic, Covington State Highway Department officials said today. Work of paving approximately five miles of the highway from Covington to the Hatchie River Bridge began and is only 26.6 per cent complete according to denartment officials. The department's detour report shows that the six mile gravel detour is in good condition and "well marked." 55 State Police To Guard President From The Commercial Appeal Nashville Bureau NASHVILLE, Sept. A special squad of 55 Tennessee state highWAY patrolmen under personal command of Chief Joe Boyd Wildent Roosevelt Sept, he liams will assist in guarding, Presivisits in Chattanooga for the centennial celebration of the Battle of Chickamauga. Chattanooga authorities requested that Chief Williams send 75 men for the event.
"Fifty-five is all we can send." the chief declared. "We don't have 75 men riding and a few will have to remain at their regular posts of duty." FEDERAL GRAND JURY TO REPORT SEPT. 16 Court Will Convene at Jackson Sept. 26 From The Commercial Appeal Jackson, Tennessee, Bureau JACKSON, Sept. 7.
-The Federal grand jury for the Eastern District of the Western Division of Tennessee, organized here by Judge John D. Martin last month, was notified today to report Sept. 16, according to Mrs. John H. Trice, deputy court clerk.
The jury will be in session Sept. 16 and 17, and Sept. 26 is the date for the formal opening of court, she said. The grand jury, headed by Harvey Crittenden of Madison County, is composed of Pat Wheeling of Bruceton, Arvie W. Carroll of Thomas H.
Johnson of Scotts Hill, Henry C. Davis and Tom MeDaniel of Camden, W. H. French Linden, Thomas V. Burton of Paris, Ross Rushing of Camden, W.
F. Pratt of Decaturville, Nathan Turner of Hollow Rock, Charles O. Jordan of Parsons, Roy Threadgill of Huron, Silas L. Caweum of Camden, Fred Nailling of Union City, Homer Moultrie of Hornbeak, John J. Meadow of Luray, P.
W. Williams of Obion and Henry M. Johnson of Lexington. MORE STARCH PLANTS PROPOSED FOR SOUTH G. M.
N. Official Sees Money In Industry From The Commercial Appeal Jackson Tennessee, Bureau JACKSON, Sept. a $60,000 sweet potato starch plant for this city and declaring there should be 100 such plants in the South, Robert Shelby of Jackson, development agent for the Gulf, Mobile Northern Railroad, addressed members of the Rotary. Club here today, Shelby said the sweet potato starch industry had been proven to be capable of supplementing cotton a8 a money crop. Pointing out that 1,200,000,000 pounds of starch were onsumed in this country last year and that 000,000 pounds were imported duty free, he said the South could ply all of the Nation's starch and provide a new money source for the farmer.
A musical program was presented by Mrs. Floy Roe, Mary Neff, Dorothy Butler and Helen Rogers, Guests were Frank Franklin Tampa, Hugh Sawyer, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce; M. D. Brock, county farm agent and A. Van Thompson.
INDICTMENT IS RETURNED Negro Has Confessed Slaying of Taxi Driver UNION CITY, Sept. 7. A murder indictment was returned today by the Obion County Grand Jury against James Douglas Stephens, 23, Fulton, negro, who confessed July 31 to the slaying of Willie B. Lunsford, 35, Fulton taxi driver, the night of July 25. Thirteen other indictments and presentments were returned "by grand jury today.
Presentments returned were: drunken driving, Earl Allen Watson, Mace McDade. Will Jetton. Grady Robertson. R. E.
Young. Carrying pistol, Peter Williams, Sam Taylor; bone dry violations, R. L. Tutt, Farris Calhoun, Sterling Coleman. Indictments were: Housebreaking a and larceny, Everett Allen, William Lathan; passing forged papers and forgery, Banks Burrus.
ELDER ANNOUNCES ROUNDS Union City Methodist District Dates Are Released FULTON, Sept. Fourth quarterly rounds of the Union City Methodist District were announced here today by the Rev. Warner O. Barham, presiding elder, follows: Friday, 11 a.m.. South Fulton Cireuit At Harris; Sent.
10, 11 a.m. Martin Circuit at Salem: Sept 11, 11 a.m. Renton and Rutherford at Kenton: Sept. 11. 7:30 p.m..
preach at Martin Station: Sept. 13 11 Elbridge, Zion and Cunningham At Elbridge; Sept. 14, 11 a.m.. Fulton CircHit at Wesley; Sept. 17, 11 a.m., Cavee Cireu at Harmony: Sept.
18. A.m. Greenfield and Brock At Greenfield: Sent. 18, 7:30 p.m. Hickman Station at Hickman: Sept.
24. a.m.. Trimble Circuit A Mason Hall: Sept. 25. 11 Trov and Rives at Troy; Sept.
28, 7:30 p.m.. Martin Station at Martin: Oct. A West Hickman Circuit at Bondurant: Oct. 2. 7:30 6.m..
preach at Fulton Station: Oct. Oct. 5. 7:30 p.m. Fulton Station at Fulton: Oct, 9 7:30 p.m., Hornbeak Circuit at Ohion Chapel: Oct.
9. 7:30 p.m 7.30 p.m.. breach at Trimble: Oct. 10, 7:30 Obien Station At Obion: Oct. 22, 11 a.m Water Valley and Palestine at Palestine: Oct.
23. 11 a.m.. Sharon and Mi Vern at Mt. Vernon: Def. 23, 7 p.m..
preach at Union City Station: Nov. 7, 7 p.m., Union City Station at tinion Citv. George Jackson MEDINA, Sept. Funeral services will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock for George Jackson, 76, retired farmer and prominent citizen of the Mt. east of here, who Zion at A community, Jackson hospital last night 8.5 A result of injuries received Labor Day when hit by A truck loaded with negro baseball players.
The funeral will be held at Mt. Zion Methodist Church by the Rev. A. G. Childress, pastor, with burial in Zion Cemetery.
Mr. Jackson was A lifelong restdent of Gibson County, He was one of the oldest members of the Mt. Methodist Church, and was active in its affairs AS well as community activities. He had never married. He leaves two sisters, Mrs.
W. W. Roe, Plant City. Flat Miss Sallie Jackson, Humboldt, and a nenhew, Cecil Bush, Medina, Driver of the truck has not been found. DREDGE BOAT FIGHT BRINGS MURDER CHARGE John Coleman Dies Of Skull Injuries An argument between two employes on a United States dredgeboat working in the mouth of the ing resulted death of one Loosahatchie yesterday mornRiver, from skull injuries suffered from a blow with a piece of pipe, and the arrest of the other by Shelby County deputies.
John Coleman, 34, of 706 Court died at Marine Hospital at 2:20 o'clock yesterday afternoon. He was admitted shortly after noon and ther C. Sansing of Little Rock will never de regained consciousness, Lube docketed on A murder charge this morning, Chief Deputy Oliver Perry said. Sansing was brought to Memphis last night by Deputies Barboro and Miller, who went to the scene aboard the Gulfport, yesterafternoon, accompanied by C. day C.
Cobb of the United States Engineers. Witnesses said Sansing was workin on an upper deck of the boat and dropped a wrench on Coleman's hand. An argument ensued, leading to Sansing picking up A piece of pipe and striking Coleman, Mr. Perry said. Mr.
Coleman had been employed by the United States Engineers as a deckhand for the past three years. He came to Memphis from Birmingham five years ago. A member of the Baptist Church, he is his wife, Mrs. Rosielee subleman: two adopted children, Annabelle and Leona Coleman, children of Mrs. Coleman by a former marriage, a brother and three sisters, who live in Alabama.
Funeral arrangements, in charge of Thompson Brothers Mortuary, were incomplete last night. CHILDREN TURN OUT FOR TRENTON'S FAIR Mayor Seat Will Be Host At Gibson Show Today Special to The Commercial Appeal TRENTON. Sept. 7. "Children's Day" was observed at the Gibson County Fair here today, as hundreds swarmed through the grounds.
John R. Wade, manager, arranged several special features for them and county schools were dismissed. Mayor W. E. Seat of Trenton will be host tomorrow at the fair to visitors from other sections.
Hundreds of entries from 4-H Clubs. have Donaldson, been glisted. County Miss demonstrator, has arranged for the management to supply new shelving and additional space for the displays. Mrs. Roy Freeman and Mrs.
Hollis Watson are in charge of entries in the culinary, pantry and needlework departments. Mrs. G. C. Reid and Mrs.
H. C. Phelan are directing the display of American flags in the booth of the American Legion Auxiliary. J. H.
Howlett, superintendent of the C. C. C. Camp Coie Foster, between Dyer and Trenton, and other officials of the camp, have an instructive booth showing work of soil building and methods of stopping soil erosion. Corn exhibits continue to pour in for the one-ear-corn show, first in this area.
F. G. Sorrells and W. E. Hunt Jr.
are in charge. The corn will be judged at 10 o'clock Friday morning. GUILTY IN FILM FRAUDS Two Talent Company Officals1 Convieted at Los Angeles LOS ANGELES, Sept. Two officials of the National Talent Pictures were convicted today on misdemeanor charges growing out of the concern's operations in training children for film careers. Judge Leo Freund ruled.
that I. C. Overdorff, president school, was guilty issuing advertising and petty theft. court of false, held that Edward W. Rose, vice president, was guilty of false advertising only.
W. A. Garrabrant, a field representative, was acquitted on both counts. Mrs. W.
M. Smith of 673 North Avalon was refunded $150 by the firm recently, after she staged a sitdown in Hollywood. Mrs. Smith had paid the firm the amount for the chance of film career for Beverly Floyd Murray, nine-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Murray of 776 North Evergreen. Beverley is a student of Mrs. Smith's daughter. Miss Martha Jane Smith, dancing instructor. POTENTIAL LEAPER HELD Report Of Suicide Plan Sends Police To Bridge After telling friends that he was going to jump off Harahan Bridge, A.
L. Brown, 25, of 895 South Willett, was arrested at 6'15 o'clock last night on the north side of the bridge. At 5 c'elock police received a report that a man was going to jump into the river and a squad car was dispatched to the bridge approach. After a watch of an hour, they left. A few minutes later police were notified that A man was on the railing of the bridge.
Police found Brown walking on the bridge in a drunken condition. He was docketed on A charge of disturbing the public peace and drunkenness. He said that he had not planned to jump, but police said he fitted the description of the man who was on the bridge rail. MISSING PLANE HUNTED Ship and Friend Both Gone, Pilot Reports To Police SHREVEPORT, Sept. (AP) Airports and police in the Southwest were on the lookout today for A new airplane reported stolen at Cincinnati.
George E. Haddaway of Fort Worth, stopping here while returning from the National Races, said he bought the airplane and planned to return from the races in it. He authorized its delivery from the factory at Cincinnati to an AC quaintance, who was to have flown it to Cleveland for him. Both airplane and Acquaintance disappeared, he said. MASS FLIGHT COMPLETED Navy Bombers Fly From Coast To Hawaii In 16 Hours HONOLULU, T.
Sept. 7. (INS) Completing A transPacific mass flight in record time, 17 twinmotored long range naval patrol bombers landed at Pearl Harbor today after A "routine" hop from Air Station at San Diego, Calif." Elapsed time was 16 hours and 48 minutes, three hours and 26 minutes less than the best time for previous mASS flights from the mainland to Hawaii. Lieut. Comdr.
A. P. Shores mI described the flight AS A "routine delivery of equipment." COURT OPENS HEARING OF CUSTODY REQUEST Louisiana Wants 11 For Gas Tax Evasion Trial NASHVILLE, Sept. (AP) Hearing on a petition filed by United States District Attorney Harvey G. Fields of Shreveport seeking removal of 11 Tennesseans to Louisiana for trial on charges of violating the Federal Gasoline Tax Laws begun in Federal Court here today, Arguments by Government and defense attorneys will be resumed at 9 a.m.
tomorrow after which District Judge George C. Taylor is expected to announce a decision, The Tennesseans, tried in state Criminal Courts here last year, were indicted by a Federal Grand jury at Shreveport with defendants from Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida. They are Robert Dudley, Nashville; J. V. Beasley, Murfreesboro; Paul Bell Thompson, James W.
Perkins, Mrs. Dora Dillard Cornelison, Nashville; Norman Westall, Lawrenceburg: James E. Evins, Lebanon; Earl Hudson, Maplewood: H. H. Watson, Hartsville; W.
H. Land, Memphis, and G. G. Geans, Halls. In addition to thousands of dollars which the Federal Government lost in alleged tax violations by the mislabeling of gasoline AS kerosene to evade taxes, Tennessee's estimated loss was $200,000.
Of that sum, $105,000 has been recovered. HICKS FAMILY MEETS Annual Reunion Held at Homestead In Haywood TOM STEWART AMENDS HIS EXPENSE REPORT Says He Spent $494 Above Coalition Figure WASHINGTON, Sept. -A. T. Stewart, Democratic inee for the Senate from Tennessee, reported to the Senate Campaign Expenditures Committee today that he had spent $494 in his Democratic primary campaign in addition to expenditures previously reported ed as his share of a coalition ticket's expense.
In the earlier report Stewart listed personal receipts of $4496 besides $6780 received jointly with pitcher, The candidates first on report coalition apportioned $7914.47 as Stewart's pro rata share of the group's campaign expenditures. Thomas E. Swanson, Republican nominee in Florida, said he had received no additional contributions and had spent $12 since he previously reported $382 of contributions and $629 of expenditures. JURY REPORT DELAYED Judge And Prosecutor Absent At Jackson JACKSON, Sept. -The grand jury of Criminal Court today heard testimony in cases carried over from the last term of court.
The jury will report tomorrow morning, due to the absence of Judge Frank L. Johnson and Atty. David P. Murray today. The docket was cleared of the following cases late yesterday, Lester Lifsey, convicted of violating the liquor law, fined $100 and costs.
His 30-day jail sentence was suspended on good behavior. R. E. Mason was fined $100 and for possessing liquor. Effie Waller, fined $100 and sent to the Madison County workhouse, for violating the liquor law.
The cases against Luke Marcum and W. R. Tapley, charged with violating the liquor law, were ordered nolle prossed, 8.8 was the charge of public drunkenness against Bob Cox. The case of larceny against Charles Owen Jr. was retired from the docket on recommendation of the prosecutor.
FULTON SCHOOLS TO OPEN Supt. J. 0. Lewis Lists Faculties For New City Term FULTON, Sept. Fulton city schools will open Monday, Supt.
J. O. Lewis stated here today. Teaching staffs follow: Fulton High W. L.
Holland, principal, Mrs. Ethel Butterworth; Jack Carter, coach: tel Killebrew, Mary Martin, Mary Royster. Agatha Gayle, Mrs. Trevor Whayne, Mrs. Hugh Pique, Mrs.
Ellen Demyer. Junior High Yewell Harrison, principal: Elizabeth Butt, Edwin Gunter Jr. Pauline Thompson. Katherine Richardson. Carr Institute Harrison, brines pal; Fannie Lee Nix.
Helen Tyler. Carolyn Readies, Laverne Burnett, Mrs. Elizabeth Payne, Fern Snow, Katherine Lee Ella Lowe -Norman Jessie Lee Fleming, prinelpal: Katherine Bondurant, Mrs. Elizabeth Burrow, Milton Negro School Adelbert Dumas, principal: Mrn. Juanita Tucker, Verna Mae Ward South Fulton Schools- B.
Cox, superLeon Smith. coach: Christine Johnson, Mrs. E. Thomasson. Allie D.
Williams. Mrs. Naomi Smith, Mrs. Clara Mai Kirkland, Orvin Moore, Lena Stoker. MIA.
Elbert Lowers, Blanche Howard, Martha Roach, Sarah Pickle, Mary Swiggart, TEACHER BREAKS FOOT Mrs. S. Griffin Walker Suffers Injuries in Stumble Mrs. S. Griffin Walker, 1947 Peabody, teacher Idlewild Kindergarten and wife of a state highway engineer, suffered two broken bones in her foot yesterday ing when she stumbled over a chair nt the kindergarten.
She will be at Methodist Hospital for several days. Tennessee Booklet Is National Guide From The Commercial Appeal Nashville Bureau NASHVILLE, Sept. 7. "Make Yourself a Safe A booklet given prospective automobile drivers by State Highway Patrol, is being sent all motor vehicle administrators in the other 47 states as model, James S. Baker of the National Safety Council today wrote Patrol Chief Joe Boyd Williams.
The booklet contains all information needed by auto operators for passing the state drivers' license examinations. MISSISSIPPI TO STUDY NEEDS FOR DRAINAGE Survey Will Study State's Physical Features JACKSON, Sept. -(AP) -A $90,000 survey to determine Mississippi's drainage needs was taking shape today as L. J. Folse, executive director of the Mississippi State Planning Commission, began a series of conferences with Federal drainage officials.
The project will be directed by Lewis M. Jones, chief engineer of drainage, United States Bureau of Agricultural Engineering, Washington. in co-operation with Mr. Folse and Col. Raymond G.
chief of Army Engineers at Vicksburg. The project, which received Works Progress Administration approval yesterday, calls for $70,000 Federal money to match $20,000 appropriated by the Mississippi Legislature to work out the first physical picture ever made of the needs of the state's more than 240 drainage districts. It 18 regarded AS the opening wedge for a widespread flood control program in the interest of the Delta and the watersheds of the hill counties. The project was planned by the Delta Council and the Mississippi State Planning Commission. The survey will be made in cooperation with engineers from Colonel Moses' division at Vicksburg.
The survey will require several draftsmen and four or tive civil engineers, according to Mr. Folse, who will receive applications and refer them to Mr. Jones and Colonel Moses. ITALIAN CLUB TO DANCE Athletic And Civic Organization Plans Entertainment Wednesday Arrangements for a dance on the Catholic Club root Wednesday night were completed at a meeting of the Italian Athletic and Civic Club last night at the Peabody, John Lucchesi, president, reported. With a membership of about 200, the club is now in the midst of a successful membership drive.
The campaign will be continued. Plans for organizing A soccer team also were discussed, and E. Leone was named chairman for this activity, A four-team league probably will be organized and games booked with -town teams. Speakers at the meeting included George LaManna, S. J.
Bucciantini, Frank Pirani, Anthony Liberto, Miss Adelina Fenili and Mrs. E. A. Counzo. Plan Prison Pictures NASHVILLE, Sept, 7.
(AP)Welfare Commissioner George Cate and several other officials will go to Fort Pillow Prison Farm Friday to take motion pictures that will he shown at A meeting of the American Prison Association at St. Paul. BROWNSVILLE, Sept. 7. Relatives and friends of the children of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Hicks held their annual reunion Sunday at the old homestead in the Tibbs Community in Haywood County, Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Allen, Mrs. Clara Allen, Mr.
Hurd, Theodore Allen Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
Allen, Mr. and Mrs. William Fargerson, Miss Delois Shoaf, Mr. and Mrs. Will Allen and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Ferris Garrett and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore, Miss Minnie Hicks, Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Hicks and family, Mr. Mrs. Julian Hicks, Minnie Pearl Hicks, Mr. Edgar Hicks and children. Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Taylor and Bobby Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Joyner, Mr. Mrs.
John Lee and son, Frazier, and Mr. Cooper Gilbert. -WHAT! NO a flash Mufti cleans ties, dresses, hats and clothing No ring -No odor Sold Everywhere 10c. and Mufti MUFTI SHOE WHITE RUB WILL NOT OFF MAKES SHOES SNOW WHITE 10 25 SOLD EVERYWHERE Soothing Dressing for BURNS Dress burns, (MOROLINE cuts, bruises with Morolinethe snow-white petroleum jelly. Finest quality money can buy.
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