Rollag 2023 Dates (2025)

1. Western Minnesota Steam Threshers Reunion

  • 2023 rollagology education

  • Western Minnesota Steam Threshers Reunion. Where your past is our present. Threshing, Steam Engines, Parades, Horsepower and more. Every Labor Day Weekend.

2. Western Minnesota Steam Threshers Reunion

  • Every Labor Day weekend since 1954, generations of threshermen & women get together to relive the tradition of the good ol' days and bring the past to life.

  • Welcome to Western Minnesota Steam Threshers Reunion! Every Labor Day weekend since 1954, generations of threshermen & women get together to relive the tradition of the good ol’ days and bring the past to life for the enjoyment of young and old alike. Come by next Labor Day and check out the show. We’ll see you at the Hill, ‘Where the Sun Always Shines in Your Heart!’

3. Rollag Show - Minnesota -

4. Feature engine at Rollag 2023 will be Stover. - Smokstak

  • 4 dec 2022 · The feature engine for our show Labor Day weekend 2023 will be Stover. Finally! We've been putting it off for so long and for so many reasons the time just ...

  • It was decided during our gas engine committee meeting at our annual meeting for the Western Minnesota Steam Threshers Reunion (WMSTR) at Rollag, Minnesota that the feature engine for our show Labor Day weekend 2023 will be Stover. Finally! We've been putting it off for so long and for so many...

5. WMSTR - Western Minnesota Steam Threshers Reunion - Facebook

  • Every Labor Day weekend, volunteers recreate the past with hundreds of agricultural, industrial and pioneer demonstrations and exhibits spread over 300 ...

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

6. Calendar • Western Minnesota Steam Threshers Reunion - Clay County, MN

7. Rollag steam threshers reunion to honor military veterans

  • 29 aug 2023 · 1, 2023, and continues through Monday, Sept. 4 (Labor Day). This year's WMSTR will honor all military veterans past and present. Based on facts ...

  • A Sherman tank is among the vintage military vehicles that will be on display at the Western Minnesota Steam Threshers Reunion, opening this Friday, Sept. 1, in Rollag, Minnesota.

8. 2023 Plate Progress | Western MN Steam Threshers - Community Forum

  • 22 okt 2022 · Another step in plate progress. A group met at Peter Kieffer's shop Saturday, 22 April to make the 2023 plates. Some of us got there at 8 to ...

  • Hi everyone, As most of you know, not all the plates are made during the show. We need plates ready to sell the first day of the show. We are getting ready to make the 2023 plates. Ron's Machine has made the dies the last several years and made this year's die. I didn't take pictures of the...

9. 2022 Western Minnesota Steam Threshers Reunion

  • 11 jul 2023 · The next Rollag Reunion is schedule for Sept. 1-4, 2023. Find the reunion on Facebook by searching WMSTR. DC Johnson can be emailed at ...

  • Take in the sights of the Western Minnesota Steam Threshers Reunion in Rollag, from the steam-powered carousel to the 1914 600hp Snow engine.

10. Western Minnesota Steam Threshers Reunion - The Tribune (Detroit Lakes)

  • Published Date. February 24, 2023. This ad was originally published on this date and may contain an offer that is no longer valid. ... Ad Text. Western Minnesota Steam Threshers Reunion September 1-4 ...

  • Farm Equipment and Supplies in 27512 102nd Ave S, Hawley, MN 56549

Rollag 2023 Dates (2025)
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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.